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Business Advisory Workplace Tips to build, manage & sustain a Diverse Team

Workplace Tips to build, manage & sustain a Diverse Team
TEAM stands for ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and it happens when the inherent diversity in each and every employee’s behaviors and work approach is appreciated by the management. And why not- when the entire world is becoming more global in widening their acceptance levels, then it’s probably time for every team to understand the fine benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Workplace diversity is the survival secret that every organization in the 21st century should understand and accept. It is not just a PR gimmick. It is rather an ability to manage and utilize the cultural, behavioral, talent and creativity differentials within an organization. However, the challenge of leading a team of unique individuals is a bit tricky, especially when they come from different backgrounds, with different beliefs, having realistic/idealistic aspirations, gender disparity and age variations. Learn some of the quickest tips to manage diversity in a team and know to meet those challenges.

1.Never play the Game of ‘Favorite’:

As a manager, it is unfair to have personal favorites in a team. Even though some employees differential themselves excellently from others in terms of performance and deliverability, still they should not be chosen as the personal favorites. Good managers always invest their quality time in knowing their teammates. No stereotypes, favoritism, opinion or judgments.

2.Embrace ‘Open’ Communication:

“My boss doesn’t listen,” said an unsatisfied employee! Now this should not be the case with your team. Allow your employee to put their point forward and even if the suggestion is not worth a while, appreciate their ability to share. Discuss the benefits (and even the failure) of strategies with your team. Clarity is always the best gift to give.

3.Don’t presume:

Diversity becomes disparity when presumptions are on lead. Don’t assume somebody’s culture, even if you have visited their culture or hometown once or twice. You might sound insensitive because people don’t appreciate misunderstanding or simple jokes on their background culture. ‘Being there, done that’ is always a different experience.

4.Build a common home aka workplace for your team:

Conflicts within an organization are inevitable- we understand that! With diversity in age, sex, geographical background, and culture, you will find conflict as an essential hindrance in organizational progress. But amidst several differences and conflict, find the one binding edge that brings your team together. Motivate them to see the brighter common side of workplace ethics. Set some ground rules and propagate the bigger picture of success to them.

5.Be an example to them:

They will follow what they will see! It is evident that managers have to set the best example in front of their team. Be open, stay focused, motivate them openly, talk more, email less, and treat everyone with equality.